On the following pages you will find information about my publications in journals and my conference contributions Most of the articles are available as pdf-files from the online services of the journals: List of Online Journals
All articles published in refereed journals or books
Other Articles published in annual reports of synchrotron facilities
The papers are sorted roughly by their contents on the following pages:
Magnetic Materials and Higly Correlated Electrons: papers on Heusler Compounds, Heavy Fermion Compounds and Rare Earth Metals
Microscopy: papers on Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM), PEEM and Two Photon Photoemission, etc.
Spectroscopy: papers on Photoelectron Spectroscopy and particularly Dichroism in Photoemission
Theory: papers on electronic structure calculations and photoemission theory
Oriented Molecules; papers on experiments with free oriented NO molecules
Conference Contributions
Abstracts of recent conference contributions